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BBG Communications
1658 Gailes Boulevard, San Diego, CA, 92154
Phone: 1.619.661.6661

Cognitive Radio


Birmingham University Researchers have developed a form of wireless communication in which a transceiver detects which channels are in use and which are not in use. The goal of the research group was to improve the quality and speed of two way radio communications. To accomplish this the group of researchers have invented a self-adapting antenna for cognitive radio.

Cognitive radio utilizes a signal-processing device to decode the radio signal. It monitors the spectrum of all signals within its range to see what other transmissions are occurring and it will decide what standard to use when transmitting the data. This process will attempt to do this in the most efficient way possible that causes the smallest amount of interruption.

To help cognitive radios abide by this spectrum etiquette, Birmingham University scientists are developing a reconfigurable antenna that is small enough to fit in mobile phones and PDAs. It is believed that once a sufficient number of systems migrate over to this mode of operation that the whole spectrum will be better utilized.

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BBG Communications
1658 Gailes Boulevard
San Diego, CA, 92154
Phone: 1.619.661.6661
Email: info@bbgcomm.com
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